Join the Trinity County Chamber of Commerce

The Trinity County Chamber of Commerce is a partner in your prosperity. The Chamber represents all its member businesses with a formal voice to influence decisions that can affect the business community. We are committed to developing the best possible climate for business in Trinity County so that our members can realize the maximum potential from their companies.

We are always looking for new inventive ways to promote Trinity County, its resources and it businesses.  Our businesses are what makes our collective voice strong and helps build our sense of a healthy and prosperous community.


Chamber membership provides the benefits of a voice within a strong advocacy group, distribution of business information at local kiosks,  links to your website or Facebook page on and website pages, business information and support on our Chamber website and Facebook page, Chamber-supported business networking events, and promotional assistance.

Pay your membership dues by check or online with a credit card

  1. Make checks made payable to “Trinity County Chamber of Commerce” and mail in with your application.

  2. Pay by credit card by using the PayPal button below. On PayPal, you can use your PayPal account or an credit card.

Investment Categories (Annual) Please see our full application for more options.

Business  A    1-10 Employees            $96

Business B 11-60 Employees              $276

Business C 61-70 Employees              $480 

Business D 71- UP Employees             $636 

Real Estate                                              $180

Professional Services                           $180

Friends of the Chamber                        $36

Government agency/representative   $60

Non-profit/Service/Agency                  $72

Place of worship/spirituality                $72

Membership in the Trinity County Chamber of Commerce is an investment in our community. The Chamber of Commerce helps to improve the business, civic, and social welfare of Trinity County by promoting a healthy business environment and helping to support economic growth and prosperity in our area.


Statistically, Chamber membership is an effective way to convey to your consumers that your company uses good business practices, is involved in the community, cares about customers, and is reputable.  The impact of a local chamber membership on small businesses is more consistent and more powerful than for large, national corporations. The caveat here is, however: consumers need to be aware that the small business is involved with its local chamber in order for the benefits to emerge. (“The Real Value of Joining a Chamber of Commerce”, The Shapiro Group Research Study)