Trinity County Webcams and Weather Stations
The weather may not be perfect in Trinity County, but it is pretty close.
Local weather reports/forecasts:
- Weaverville weather
- Trinity Center/Trinity Lake
- Southern Trinity/Ruth Lake
- Lewiston/Trinity River
- Hayfork weather
- Downriver/Del Loma
Ever wonder what the weather’s doing in Trinity County, how the snow is affecting Buckhorn Summit and Oregon Mountain, or what the conditions are on Trinity Lake? These webcams give you a glimpse at current conditions.
CalTrans Traffic Cameras for Trinity County
- Buckhorn Summit (Hwy 299, east edge of Trinity County, towards Redding)
- Oregon Mountain (Hwy 299, west of Weaverville)
- Also check Chain Controls
North Trinity Lake/Trinity Center Airport webcam, 20 minute updates showing the runway and lake.
Trinity Lake Houseboat Owners Association webcam at Cedar Stock Marina (Trinity Lake Resort). This webcam is not operational Winter 2014/15 due to low lake levels. The camera is on the docks that have been moved off shore.