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Trinity County Recreation Guide

By far, the publication most requested by visitors.  Visitors use this to find campgrounds, boat rentals, hiking trails, lodging, fishing guides, wedding venues, boat ramps, restaurants, etc.  Advertising is purchased through the Trinity Journal.

Trinity County Real Estate Listings Guide

This publication is sent to people considering relocating to Trinity County.   The Real Estate Guide, the Trinity County Almanac, providing general information about the county and its services, the Trinity Alps Wilderness Anniversary booklet, with beautiful pictures of our surrounding areas, and local maps. Advertising is purchased through the Trinity Journal.

Trinity Journal

The weekly (Wednesdays) local newspaper which has been published since 1856.  The main source of local news in Trinity County.  Advertising and inserts reach every corner of Trinity County and it is mailed to many friends and expats throughout the USA.

Advertising Beyond Trinity County

After Five Magazine

An entertainment newsprint magazine focusing on activities and entertainment in the North State.  The Chamber, its partners and membership place ads and events for Trinity County.

Shasta-Cascade Visitors Guide

The Chamber website,, hosts a businesaA travel publication highlighting the natural wonders and outdoor activities of Northern California.  The Chamber updates information and provides articles and pictures.s directory of all member businesses, with links to their websites.  Flyers and currents event information are updated continually on the calendar of events.  Special events in your community, which bring visitors to your business, are highlighted on the calendar.  The Trinity County Chamber of Commerce Facebook Page emphasizes the reasons to visit Trinity County and includes postings from our members.

101 Things to Do

Maps, activities, lodging, dining, parks, etc. are listed according to areas, i.e., Humboldt, Shasta County.  Advertising for Trinity County is placed in neighboring county issues by the Chamber.

California Welcome Center, Anderson, CA

The Chamber sends Trinity County brochures, publications and events which are displayed at the Welcome Center for visitors  to the area.

Collier Interpretive and Information Center

Near the Oregon border at the intersection of Interstate 5 and Highway 96.  The Chamber sends Trinity County brochures, publications and events which are displayed at the Information Center for visitors to the area.

The Visitor Center at Turtle Bay in Redding, CA

The Chamber sends Trinity County brochures, publications and events which are displayed at the Visitor Center for  visitors to the area.

Nor-Cal Sports Show in Anderson, CA

Chamber staff and volunteers set up a display booth with guides and brochures and answer hundreds of questions about Trinity County.

Trinity County Chamber of Commerce, and  Visit Trinity Facebook Pages provide a venue for members to advertise and promote events, services and products.


And, of course, as a member of the Trinity County Chamber of Commerce your business is displayed according to services provided and linked to VisitTrinity.comtourism and recreation website.  Keep your yearly membership up-to-date to receive these benefits.